*- On  4 Aug, wonko wrote about "how do i apt-get glibc?"
> since my other question was answered so promptly (thank btw) i'm asking 
> another one.
> how do i apt-get glibc? i set the ftp in sources.list "deb ftp://ftp.gtk.org 
> pub gtk
> v1.2 binary DEBIAN stable and type in apt-get libcgtk and it says package not 
> found.
> i am not sure about the package name  how do i find them out?

[cc'd to debian-user]

Please post questions to the list and not directly to me in the future.
You are much more likely to get a better response if I do not know the

ftp.gtk.org is not set up to work as an archive that can be retrieved
via Debian methods.  You will have to download the files individually
and install them with 'dpkg -i <package>'.  If they had a correctly
formatted Package file in the stable directory the correct URI line
would be(I think)

deb ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v1.2/binary/DEBIAN/ stable/

Please read man page for sources.list for details on the syntax for URI
lines in sources.list.  It is a little confusing sometimes I admit.

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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