Alfredo Pacaon wrote:

> 2.)  Dual boot was successful but when I went into
> Win98 and opened explorer, my computer hanged.  (I
> think it was trying to access the linux partition...)

 That's rigth ! It already happened to me some months ago(year !?).
 I resolve it adding to the config.sys the following line:


 'D' need to be your last FAT16/FAT32 partition drive letter!!! Don't count the 
 After that, check also on "Control Panel" which drive letter are being 
assigned for
your cdrom(if you have one) and change it for the next from used on "lastdrive"

 It could not resolve your problem. For me, it worked.

> I had to remove Linux totally from the hard drive to
> get my computer up and running again.

  Bad idea !

> Anyway, my question is will I encounter the same
> problem if I use the Debian distribution?  Is there a
> workaround?

 It's a Microsoft problem and not a GNU/Linux problem.

Hope this help.

Best regards,
    Nuno Carvalho

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