* Manoj Srivastava said:
>  thomas> when opening.. If you please could let me know which package
>  thomas> i shall downgrad or upgrade to get it work again i would be
>  thomas> very glad since i use soffice everyday..
>         I am not sure, but quite possibly the issue may be the libc
>  upgrade? I havfe heard rumors that so broke when upgrading from RH
>  5.2 to 6.0, and the major change there too was libc. 
It's certainly a case of the libc6 upgrade. I didn't see the beginning of
this thread, so I don't know which version of SO you are talking about. I
will assume that it's 5.1 - the latest release.
SO5.1 requires you to have glibc2.0 while the current potato uses v2.1 of
the library. You don't have to downgrade anything at all - it's sufficient
to do some wizardry with the SO5.1 binaries and the .so loader. Below is a
full recipe on how to do that (tested by me yesterday after downloading a
fresh copy of SO5.1 :)):

1. Get the libc6_2.0.7.19981211-6.deb and install it to some directory in
   the /usr/local tree (e.g. /usr/local/glibc2.0)
2. Do ln -sf /usr/local/glibc2.0/ld-2.0.7.so /lib/ld-2.0.7.so
3. Get some comfortable binary editor (hexeditor is a good choice)
4. Unpack the soffice .tar file as usually
5. Unzip the so51inst/office51/setup.zip to a separate directory
6. Copy the so51inst/office51/setup.ins to the same directory where you put
   the files extracted in the previous step.
7. Change the case of all the files in the directory to lowercase:

   for x in [A-Z]*; do
        mv $x `echo $x | tr A-Z a-z`
8. Open the setup.bin file in the binary editor, find the string 
   /lib/ld-linux.so.2 and replace it with /lib/ld-2.0.7.so
9. Start X-Window and open an xterm window
10. Now execute (while still in the directory the setup.zip was
   extracted to):

   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/glibc2.0:/lib:/usr/lib:./ ./setup
11. SO5.1 installation starts. Enter the path where you extracted the
    original soffice .tar when prompted for the location of the install
12. After the setup finishes successfully go back to the shell prompt and
    then switch to the bin/ subdirectory of the location where you installed
    the Office.
13. Unpack the attached tar.gz file in this subdirectory (sorry, couldn't
    make a diff because I haven't saved the originals :(()
14. Repeat the step 8 for every .bin file in the directory.

If everything went well (e.g. if I didn't misled you :))) you should now be
able to use SO5.1 without problems.


Attachment: soscripts.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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Description: PGP signature

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