This isn't a complete answer but, it should show you where to look...

Mutt uses an eternal editor (vim in your case) rather than a builtin editor 
like pine does, so you need to findout how to set line length in the editor of 
your chioce.

To set the editor of your choice, you need to add a line to your .muttrc file 
or possibly ~/.mutt/muttrc (as mine is):

set editor="/path/to/editor"

I personnally use "emacsclient" for my editor, which uses a running emacs 
session rather than starting a new process (very important on a 486!).


I write mail messages in paragraphs, not lines (unlike usenet posts), mutt 
seems to quote this format without problem on incoming messages, which is very 
good since this practice is standard outside the Un*x world.

If this causes a problem for anyone on this list, please let me know and I'll 
gladly break my lines at C75.

ICQ:   39679408

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