>>>>> "Dale" == Dale Hair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dale> I installed mozilla-xft and have good looking anti aliased fonts
Dale> in galeon but no truetype fonts show up in the font preferences
Dale> and the font stays the same regardless of the font I choose.
Dale> Mozilla however, now finds truetype fonts.

It looks like Galeon uses a different mechanism to select fonts than the
Mozilla engine expects.  You can try looking at your
~/.mozilla/.../prefs.js and copying the config over to
~/.galeon/.../prefs.js.  (Make sure Galeon isn't running when you do
that.)  It's probably safe to assume that this will be fixed in a future
release of Galeon or Galeon2.

If that doesn't work, I think you can also edit /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
(or /etc/fonts/local.conf or ~/.fonts.conf) and add the appropriate
aliases for serif, sans-serif, and monospace (look under the "Provide
required aliases for standard names" section).  Of course, doing that
would affect the global configuration.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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