
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 11:39:20AM +1000, Doug Young wrote:
> I don't even know if its running ..... all I can tell for sure is when I type 
> "lynx" something responds telling me its looking for server homepage, but 
> after a few mins gives up and says "STARTFILE:richardson.apana.org.au"
> not found

OK, you are going to have to go into the /etc/lynx/cfg file.  There is line 
near the top like this:


I suggest using a local file (else lynx won't start if you net connection is 
down) so:


alternatively you can specify a URL on the command line:

bash$ lynx http://www.debian.org

Basic lynx navigation:

down arrow key          Go to next link
up arrow key            Go to previous link
Right arrow             Follow link
Left arrow              Previous page
Space bar               next screen (page down)
- (dash)                previous screen (page up)
k                       Key Binding list (use left arrow to return to browsing)
?                       HELP

> >
> This one won't handle ANYTHING :( ...... certainly not frames

Before I catch too many flames on this one...
Lynx handles frams by providing links to the pages that are in the frames, it 
does not display frames.  But allowing you to navagate them is a big plus.


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