You might have gotten the modem on the wrong serial port. Happened to me
just yesterday (yea, I'm a newbie too). Thing is: com1 is ttyS0 in linux,
com2 is ttyS1 aso. Kind of silly, that pon doesn't give any kind of
information on what it's doing...

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:  Stephen Monroe [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sendt:        15. juli 1999 02:39
> Til:
> Cc:   recipient list not shown
> Emne: modem configuration
> A friend installed Debian Potato on my box a while ago when I was using
> the 
> Ethernet at school, but now I must use a modem at home and I can't get it
> to 
> work.
> Here is what I've done:
> Using setserial I found
> IRQ: 3
> Port: 0x02f8
> then pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
> then I uncommented the lines that corresponded with the values I got with 
> setserial (I'm pretty sure they are correct)
> Then I ran "ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem"
> and I made sure isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf is running at start up.
> I configured my modem in gnome-ppp, but when I try to connect nothing 
> happens.
> I then ran "pon", but still nothing happened.
> Any thoughts (keeping in mind I'm a beginner)?
> --Stephen
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