A while ago, I posted with some problems with xscreensaver.  Problem was as

xscreensaver wouldn't start any screensaver
new screensavers in 3.x did not appear in gnome menu

A kind soul (thanks) helped me out on the second count, but I'm still stuck
with the first.

When I originally had 2.34 installed, it seemed to work just fine.  I upgraded
to 3.10 and I could run 'xscreensaver-demo' just fine.  had no problem
displaying the screensavers, but nothing I tried could make them start after a
delay.  I even packaged 3.16 out of desperation which resulted in the same

I downgraded to 2.34 again, and now screensavers start after a delay, however,
it always (no-matter what I select) tries to start 'deluxe' and claims it
can't find it.  (deluxe was added somewhere in 3.x).  But I have looked all
over the place and can find _no_ references to deluxe in any of the
xscreensaver configuration files.

If anyone has any insight, I'd appreciate it.  I no-longer care whether I use
2.34 or 3.x, I'd just like working screensavers again.



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