Thanks for the reply. I did that, and that does fix the panel problem.  I'm
still having a problem with gnome-session though.  I used to be able to start
gnome-session either with xdm or kwm and it would startup the last window
manager I was using, and any other programs that were running when I closed that
windows session. Now, gnome-session looks like it hangs up, and doesn't start
anything, not even the window manager.

I was hoping that using dselect to uninstall the gnome packages and then
reinstalling those packages would correct the problem. This didn't seem to work,

Ben Lutgens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/12/99 10:56:50 AM

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: gnome-session/panel error

I had the same problem. Add
gnome-name-service &

to your .xinitrc (or if you are using a display manager like xdm in your

Debian / GNU Linux: An OS the way god intended it; 32Bit, multi-tasking,
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Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is "blutgens" available @ hkp://

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