> I have set up hamm on my IBM Aptiva (model 2153-E2U).  I would like to get 
> the built-in sound card working, but it appears I will have to recompile the 
> kernel.  Since I am a LINUX newbie, this is not a trivial task.

Sorry, there is no other way. But compiling your own kernel would be a
good practice, and will clear the kernel you have of umm...features that
you don't need.
And there is nothing hard in kernel compilation. The installation of the
kernel package is automatic if it's in .deb, and just tar -xzf
kernel-package.tar.gz if it's not.
Just make sure you have the bin86 package. Even though it is listed as a
'recommended' (I think), it is essential to the process. You don't want to
wait N minutes to get the kernel compile error at the end.
The only thing you really need to know are the parameters of your
soundcard, and RTFineM before you start configuring your kernel (don't put
too many things into the kernel, maybe use modules for some. For sound, if
you are not sure, then a module would be better)

Is it a pnp card?


 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.
 http://www.missouri.edu/~c680789  <--"Computer languages of the world"
                                       My work in progress.

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