
> Well, I don't have a solution to offer, unfortunatly, though xinetd currently
> is my concern, too. I have looked at the FAQ page of (the
> maintainers of xinetd), and according to what they wrote, your problem seems
> to be generally unsolved. Too bad that I can't offer a more positive answer.

        I looked the page before posting to this group... it's very
curious that xinetd can not handle well RPC services. :-(

> At least inetd and xinetd can coexist on one box. So you can use NFS via
> inetd and use everything else via xinetd. Sounds strange, doesn't it?

        Yup. Now I've got rpc.mountd & rpc.nfsd running in 'daemon' mode.
At least I can 'delete' inetd.

        Thanks for your help. If I ever find a way around the problem,
I'll post it here.

-- p.

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