> Have you checked out the cable modem mini-HOWTO and the Roadrunner section
> and links?  I thnk it has some tips on how to use this service with Linux.

Yep, done both. I've gone to all the links, I've read/asked questions on the
alt-os newsgroup for Road Runner, etc. and all they ever say is "download
and compile rrlogin.c" (easy enough) "make sure your DHCP works, then run
the program and bam!"

I've gotten everything working only once, and that was on Redhat 6, and it
was after I spent the better part of two days just tweaking menus and
checkboxes all over the place....entirely random that I got it working, I
think....I was hoping there'd be a Debian user who actually used roadrunner
and could give me a precise step-by-step instruction of what to do.

Thanks for the help though

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