I just apt installed gnome (the actual packages told apt to grab are below), and apt didn't give a hint anything went wrong. However, when I try to open a gnome app (ie eeyes, gnomeicu, xchat, gnome-session, panel, etc) nothing happens. There is a bit of cpu usage/disk usage real quickly and then the box just sits there. Any ideas what might be causing this? (Btw, running i386 slink...)
Here is what I told apt to grab and install (it installed more of course, but this might help): task-gnome-apps task-gnome-desktop task-gnome-net wmaker-gnome gmc gnumeric gnomeicu gtk-engines-gtkstep gtk-engines-metal and gtop. (I specifed specific apps because I wasn't sure if they were in the task packages, so I went ahead and specified them.) If it would help to see a log of the entire apt session I can post that too (I ran the install under script). thanks! (a /huge/ thanks!) -- Chris Frost | <http://www.frostnet.advicom.net/chris/> -------------+------------------------------------------ Public PGP Key: Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "retrieve pgp key" or visit <http://www.frostnet.advicom.net/chris/about/pgp_key.phtml>
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