In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I upgraded to xmms and I'd like to go back to x11amp.
>> xmms uses about 30% of my 233cyrix's cycles.
> that looks like quite consistent number. On my cyrix-333
> i usually got 18-19%.

I installed the latest unstable xmms and cpu usage
is reported as ~15% now, half of what it was.  At
30% it noticably slowed down other processes on my

>> I don't
>> think x11amp used more than a couple percent.
> i believe it was bug in x11amp - it reports CPU usage wrongly.
> It is probably fixed by now...

Did it fool xosview as well?  The utilities I used
to monitor cpu usage all showed almost no load when
only x11amp was running.  I have no clue how
accurate any of them are though.

It's not a problem now anyhow.  Xmms is a nice
piece of work and I don't feel guilty about
letting it run in the background all the time


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