Subject: Bind
        Date: Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 05:00:21PM -0400

In reply to:Brian Schramm

Quoting Brian Schramm([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I am using one machine to run Debian 2.1.  I do not have a network but I want
> bind to handle caching of DNS inquires.  I am doing this so I can use the
> sendmail genericstable and virtualtable and convert my addresses to the ones I
> want to have everyone use for replys.
> My problem is now if I am not connected to the net, everything stops when I
> send a message.  I have not changed my sendmail configuration yet to vurtual
> hosting so I cannot see where that is the problem.  
> I installed the bind package with no forwarding so it is in caching setup.
> Thanks for all the help.

I *think* I understand your query so will relate what I just did.

I set up cachinf nameserver by following the DNS-Howto
(/usr/doc/HOWTO/) and had the same problem.  If I wasn't on the 'net
DNS was verrry slow.  Down towards the end of the howto someone had
sent in a fix and it worked for me.

The reason the server slowed down was the it was checking
/var/named/root.hints and not finding a næme server.  The fix is to
use ip-up.d & ip-down.d to move a dummy root.hints file (containing
nothing, really) to root.hints when off the 'net and the real
root.hints back when you are on the 'net.  I *hope* that is also your


Computers are like air-conditioners: both stop working, if you open

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