> qmail and fetchmail are MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents), right?

qmail yes, fetchmail maybe, depending on your definition of an MTA.

> fetchmail downloads messages from a pop3/imap server and puts them into the
> local mail delivery system. (Besides, where do the messages end up and in
> what form?)

That depends on the MTA. For example, if you've got qmail up and running with
Maildir's, it will end up whereever you've told qmail to deliver it using a
.qmail file in your home directory.

> So what about sending mail then? Using 'smail' sounds obvious, but how does
> the route from MUA to the SMTP server go.

If you go with qmail that's not a problem. You simply set up a virtual
default domain, and have all mail not local delivered to a specific mailbox
(alias/pppdir if you follow the HOWTOs available). You then use a program
called maildirsmtp that will send the messages once you're online.

I'm told smail/sendmail are difficult to convince to work in a dial-up
environment. I certainly haven't suceeded.

/ Peter Schuller

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
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