On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 10:55:44PM +0100, Steve George wrote:

> The first thing you should do is comment telnet back in until you
> have drawn up your security strategy ;-)

Okay! :)

> The standard things people will tell you to do are:
>       - turn everything off

What is "everything"? I've downloaded the lasg and have been reading
through it...but so far I have only disable things in
/etc/inetd.conf. Are there other locations that I need to be concerned with?

>       - use inetd/wrappers with PARANOIA for anything you *have* to have on
>       - use packet filtering ie ipchains
>       - use a logchecker
>       - keep backups for WHEN you get broken into.

Uh oh, sounds like I'm gonna be busy for weekends to come!

> Unfortunately if you are on a cable modem you are easy meat since
> your available 24/7 and because often the people who connect have no
> real security idea they are a useful staging post for a cracker.  I
> currently get scanned about 2x a day at work and often they are from
> IP's that resolve to cable modems.

I know, that was one of the reasons it took me so long to get a cable
modem. I'm not too concerned about my systems (I tend to re-install
several times a year, and my home machines are a hobby--they don't put
food on the table), but I really don't want some cracker messing with
other systems via mine. But you has to step off the curb sometimes...

I've started playing with ssh, and so far everything seems fairly
straight forward. Once I get this stuff down Samba's next.

Thanks for you help!
                                         __   _
Mark Wagnon             Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __    
Chula Vista, CA                     /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  _\_v____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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