Hi all;

I've decided to try and configure my home system to send and
receive email the right way (not using Netscape). The reason for
the switch is that I eventually want to be able to access my email
remotely using telnet/ssh (another thing I need to learn about). I have
a few questions about setting this up, but first I'd like to present my

I am connected to the Internet via a cable-modem with the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
service. So I am always connected (unless I reboot to Windows for a
little gaming).

I figure that I am going to use exim, but I don't know which
default configuration I should start with (Internet site or
Internet site using smarthost). Also, will exim alone work? or do I
also need to use fetchmail?

Also, my email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], but my username on my
system is mwagnon. So I want incoming mail that's addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to be delivered to mwagnon. Is this a pain, or
should I create a new account using mwagnon1?

If anyone has experience in setting up there machine with the @home
service and is willing to share their configs, I'd appreciate it.

Also, if you know of any other documentation on setting up mail
with exim I'd appreciate it. I'm a big dummy, and the spec file for
exim is scaring me.


                                         __   _
Mark Wagnon             Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __    
Chula Vista, CA                     /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  _\_v____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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