
RADIUS is an authentication system used by ISP's etc for checking a userid and 
password when you dial in.  I think the reference is looked after by 
Livingston: pretty much every network hardware supplier should have info about 

Guess TACAS is the samr thing - but you will need to check it out by searching 
eb engines etc ;-)

RADIUS can ceraintly be used for billing as it logs connections/disconnections. 
 You might try asking on an ISP related mailing list as it is _the_ most common 
system so I am sure they would have lots of good tips and possibly a script or 
two you could use.

Good luck,


On Sat, Jun 26, 1999 at 09:56:16PM +0800, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
> hello everyone !
>   i friend was asking me whether i can help him convert his slackware system 
> to debian (since imthe only debian user in our group and their slak admin 
> jumped ship) from "tacacs" to "radius" ...  whatever those are.  can someone 
> please help point to me where i should look for more info regarding this ?
>   also in question is for an ISP billing system, any suggestions?
> TIA,
> Chad
> -- 
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