> My backup saga continues. I'm now trying to use amanda but i'm not sure
> that i have de definitions of tape correctly.
> /proc/scsi/scsi says this:
>  Vendor: SONY     Model: SDT-5200         Rev: 3.26
>  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> And my current amanda.conf says this:
> define tapetype DAT {
>    comment "DAT tape drives"
>    length 2000 mbytes          # these numbers are not accurate
>    filemark 100 kbytes         # but you get the idea
>    speed 100 kbytes
> }
> I think this is not working because when i try to do a dump amanda
> writes 9Mb and then complains about the tape being full (even after a mt
> erase and mt retension).

Did you make sure that you have an entry like

tapetype DAT

before all the tapetype definitions.  Also, you should have a line
that says something like

tapedev "/dev/nst0"

If this doesn't help, e-mail me your amanda.conf file and I'll see if
there are any obvious problems.  You can also try contacting the
amanda mailing list (see http://www.amanda.org).


The hopeful depend on a world without end
Whatever the hopeless may say
     Neil Peart, 1985

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