You might want to check out the Beowulf project
and the many links from there.  

There is a *very* useful beowulf maillist: send "subscribe beowulf" to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  There is also a debian-beowulf list,
but it's pretty inactive, perhaps because there's nothing really
different about setting a Debian cluster (like I have) from setting up
a RedHat cluster (like most clusters are).


>>>>> "Lazar" == Lazar Fleysher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > Hi everyone, Could some one point me to resources available on
    > distributed computing.  What it is, how it works and who to make
    > it work under linux, etc...

    > Thank you,

    > ZORO

Dr. Norris Preyer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy      (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston               (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424     

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