Subject: ipacset
        Date: Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 07:16:10PM +0100

In reply to:Alisdair McDiarmid

Quoting Alisdair McDiarmid([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Cron continues to mail me every six minutes with this message.
> Has anyone got any idea why, or how to stop it?
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
> Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  test -f /etc/ipac.conf && test -f
> /usr/sbin/fetchipac
> +&& /usr/sbin/fetchipac
> /usr/sbin/fetchipac: Cant read "/var/run/ip-accounting-rules" - ipacset not
> run?
> Please help or I'll go mad.

If you tell me what you have tried to do to stop from going mad, I
might be able to help.

Lets see.  It happens every 6 minutes.  It says (Cron Daemon).
Does that give you any clues?

How about rgrep -r ip-accounting-rules /etc/*

Now lets see what you come up with.

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