On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Philip S. Hempel wrote:

> Nils Rennebarth wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 07:19:48AM -0400, Philip S. Hempel wrote:
> > > That was supposed to be turn off the IDE drive. The ide drive is the
> > > boot drive for linux. The windows drives are the SCSI drives.
> > 
> > > If I leave the drive settings in lilo alone windows will not boot. I
> > > will type win into lilo (my config name) and I get (not quoted)>>
> > > starting win and nothing more.
> > Ok, I see. I don't know whether windows is able to start at all if it's not
> > sitting on the boot drive. As far as I know that's not possible. Correct me
> > someone if I am wrong. Couldn't you make the system boot from SCSI,
> > install lilo on the mbr of the SCSI drive and start Linux from there. Linux
> > has no problems with it, you only need to correct lilo's view of the drives
> > with the disk and bios options.
> > 
> > Nils
> > 
> Now I had already though of that but the way the bios implementations
> are setup if you do tell it to boot off the SCSI as the boot device than
> you end up not being abe to boot of of the floppy disks..
> The reason for this concern was I told my father that things would not
> be any different for him but to just have to type linux (that part I
> have yet to get to) to get into linux. Other than that he just hast to
> let lilo start windows. And if he decides to boot of a floppy (which he
> does regularly) he can just do that.
> Thanks. again

Pardon me for butting in here :)

I had the same basic problem a little while ago.  (THe one that you
couldn't boot off the floppy if you told the BIOS to boot of the SCSI
hd's).  Have you tried looking for an updated BIOS patch?

I have a SiS M571 motherboard (unfortunately.. I can hear the groans
already <smile>), and I was unable to do a lot of things, I also had
problems accessing the floppy drive, and other such annoying problems...
well, luckily there was a patch available for the BIOS (seems a lot of
people have had the same problem as I did), and well, everything seems to
be running okay now...  (Now if I could just find a program to patch the
VGA bios... ... ... )

        Peter Ludwig

BTW - If you have the same motherboard as I do (shudder), or perhaps with 
any other motherboard.., then you'll have a little trouble with Win95
anyway.  Try placing the linux drive on the secondary controller.  Seems
Windows has a little problem with having a drive "in-front" of itself...
And some bios's ALWAYS place IDE drives first in line... seems a bit
weird, but then again, the manufacturers are like this sometimes...

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