Yes, i realize this is something a lot of people disagree on. Which is why
i hope to get a lot of opinions!

Right now, i have my entire Linux on one 4G HD (minus some data files and
things for Wine to play with on a FAT32 partion on a second drive). One
partition for swap, one for everything else. From what i've heard, not a
very good arangement if anything goes wrong. So, i'm thinking of backing
up everything and making some more partitions.

1. If i understand things correctly, /, /boot, /lib, /bin, /sbin, /dev,
   parts of /etc, and maybe /root should be on one partition below the
   1024th cyl for hysterical reasons, which do apply in my case. Do i
   understand correctly?
2. If i were partitioning a new HD, what would be a good size for the  
   partition containing just those directories, that wouldn't waste too     
   much space. Right now on my system, du -c reports 18M for that list, so
   i'm thinking 50M would allow plenty of room for expansion?
3. How about sizes for other partitions? /home i'm thinking 750M
   (personal workstation, 6 users that are just different mailing
   addresses for me), 1G for /var (with /tmp -> /var/tmp, is that a
   bad idea?), 2.1G for /usr.
4. hda1 should be /, but how about the rest? home var swap usr as 2 3
   4 5?
5. What am i missing, that i think i fit everything (including 64M of
   swap) onto a 4G HD? ;)

Just trying to learn here.

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