"Keith R." wrote:
> ive ben trying to install debian linux on an older 386 of mine
> an ibm ps/2 model 56slc
> it has a micro channel architecture
> when i place the boot disk in it goes through every thing seemingly well
> except it doesnt pick up the  scsi drive and host adapter thats part of
> the mother board.
> any hints or tips that may help  am i missing something or have to change
> any jumper setings ??
> thanks in advance for any responce
> Keith

I just installed Hamm (base) on a PS/2 model 70 tonight.  I don't know
what rescue disk you are installing with but the one I had success with
I found at,

I tried installing Slink first but I think the base may have been too
large for my HD which is 58MB.  I received a "superblock" error and
couldn't boot.  So I used the 'MCA-2.2.7-hamm.bin' disk and the regular
Hamm base files.  When asked during the install for the "Modules" disk I
put in the regular 'drv1440.bin' disk but it wasn't read.  Continued
with the install and everything worked out fine. 

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