I have seen this recently at our home office. There the server is unfortunately Redhat (5 I believe?). I've only seen this crop up recently and am still running Hamm on the machine up there which is the NIS client. Each time I see this happen I ssh in to the box and then when I run ypcat XXX it works just fine. Quite frustrating. I think the problem is simply timeouts rather than ypserv doing something wrong. I don't think there's anywhere where the timeouts can be increased though. Hmmm.
Colm Buckley wrote: > I'm running an up-to-date potato installation on a couple of machines > here; and I've noticed (for the past week or so), a strange problem with > NIS/YP (possibly with RPC in general). > > The most obvious symptom is that "ypcat passwd" doesn't work (although > ypmatch does work) - here's some output: > > dagda:root ~ (2) # hostname > dagda > dagda:root ~ (3) # ypwhich > dagda > dagda:root ~ (4) # ypcat passwd > yp_all: clnt_call: RPC: Timed out > No such map passwd.byname. Reason: Internal NIS error > dagda:root ~ (5) # ypmatch colm passwd > colm:x:1000:100:Colm Buckley:/home/colm:/usr/bin/zsh > > The trace from "ypserv -d" for the above gives: > > ypproc_all_2_svc(): [From:] > domain = "tuatha.cs.tcd.ie" > map = "passwd.byname" > connect from > db_open("tuatha.cs.tcd.ie", "passwd.byname") > ->Returning OK! > Opening: tuatha.cs.tcd.ie/passwd.byname (0) 8057958 > -> First value returned. > ypproc_domain("tuatha.cs.tcd.ie") [From:] > connect from > -> Ok. > ypproc_match(): [From:] > domainname = "tuatha.cs.tcd.ie" > mapname = "passwd.byname" > keydat = "colm" > connect from > db_open("tuatha.cs.tcd.ie", "passwd.byname") > ->Returning OK! > Opening: tuatha.cs.tcd.ie/passwd.byname (0) 80557d8 > ypdb_close() called > -> Value = "colm:x:1000:100:Colm Buckley:/home/colm:/usr/bin/zsh" > ypproc_domain("tuatha.cs.tcd.ie") [From:] > > So, it looks like ypserv is returning the first value from the passwd > map, but no others - either ypcat isn't asking for it, or something is > rotten in the state of ypserv. > > Other things which use NIS (possibly RPC in general) seem to be very > slow - NFS mounts seem to take a lot longer than previously, for > example. I don't know whether this is due to a failure in NIS, or a > more fundamental problem with RPC. > > Has anyone else seen this? Anyone know of a fix or workaround? > > Colm > > -- > Colm Buckley B.A. B.F. # [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Department of Computer Science # +353 87 2469146 # whois cb3765 > Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. # http://www.tuatha.org/~colm/ > No one is listening until you make a mistake. > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null -- Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]