
I use procmail to sort my mailing lists. eg. this is what my .procmailrc
says about the debian-user list:

* ^TOdebian-user

This works fine, apart from two annoyances in Pine:

1) When i reply to a message, answering "y" to "reply to all?", there's
always a 'recipient list not shown' entry in the CC: field. I have to
remove it every time. I guess it comes from the "Resent-cc: recipient list
not shown: ;" field that I see in every Debian-user list message. Is there
a way to remove this behaviour?

2) Maybe it would be nice if I could remove all the "Resent-*" lines from
debian-user list messages. I've been trying to do that with a pipe in the
.procmailrc to formail, at the same time as sorting them with procmail.
I've only been able to lose all my incoming mail this way ;) Anyone that
give me some pointers?


-- nico

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--------------------------------------------------
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-----------------
  ::                                               ::
--:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Linux - Free power for the masses ::::::: 

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