
        Which version of Netscape are you using?  I have upgraded my Netscape
from 4.5 to 4.6 and lo' behold.... the problems with it have been resolved.  I
checked several sites that gave me fits due to HTML codes, Java and few
others..and it works perfectly.  So I recommend that you upgrade it to 4.6
version from Netscape site and use the deb installer 4.0 version to install it
for you.
        It works and it performs faster than the older versions did.  They did
nice job of it as well.

On 25-May-99 Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> Hi!
>> Try disabling java and javascript and see what happens. For me, some
>> java pages either lock Netscape up, or kill it dead.
> That one might be problematic, as even though you try to swich 
> javascript off it stays on.
> That checkbox seems to be only windowdressing...
> Regards
> Thorsten Manegold
>> On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 11:15:28PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
>> > My cousin sent the following link to me:
>> > 
>> > http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Castle/7393/Police.html
>> > 
>> > Whenever I try to access it using Netscape 4.5 on a system using a 2.2.1
>> > kernel, I start to connect to the site and then Netscape just quits; no
>> > warning; no error messages, just bang! and it's gone. I can restart
>> > Netscape, but if I try to access the site again, bang! gone again.
>> > 
>> > I was able to access it via lynx, and was able to tell that it's just a
>> > humour/joke page, so it's not at all important, but I'm concerned that
>> > simply accessing a web page can shut down Netscape. Do I have something
>> > configured wrong, or is Netscape that flakey, or what?
>> > 
>> > Thanks for any info.
>> > 
>> > 
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>>       AOL/IM Jim Foltz
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Date: 25-May-99          Time:10:42:27
Russell Rademacher
Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
           System Adminstrator
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