Can you tell what cp complains about ?

[01:54:40 shaul]$ ls -l t*
-rw-rw-r--   1 shaul    shaul           0 May 24 01:34 test.txt
[01:54:54 shaul]$ ls -l /MS/t*
ls: /MS/t*: No such file or directory

Now trying to copy test.txt to the vfat partition:

[01:55:13 shaul]$ cp -v test.txt /MS/
test.txt -> /MS/test.txt
cp: /MS/test.txt: Operation not permitted
[01:55:23 shaul]$ ls -l /MS/t*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root     dos             0 May 24 01:55 /MS/test.txt

Some more info:

[01:55:50 shaul]$ mount | grep /MS 
/dev/hda1 on /MS type vfat (rw,umask=002,uid=0,gid=35)
[01:56:02 shaul]$ grep /MS /etc/fstab
/dev/hda1           /MS             vfat   defaults,noauto,umask=002,uid=0,gid=
35      0       0

[01:57:49 shaul]$ grep dos /etc/group

                                                Thank you.

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