On Wed, May 19, 1999 at 06:13:41PM -0400, Allen B. Riddell wrote:
> Are there any instructions on how to set up mail for a "standard" 
> home-desktop user? I.E.: I send my mail via smtp and recieve via pop3?
> I got fetchmail working -- but it seems that all my messages are "frozen" 
> -- is some filtering program messing up my program?
What do you mean with "frozen"?
> and sending mail is just the same kind of disaster -- I used eximconfig and 
> typed in everything I thought I should -- no entry for an actualy smtp 
> server, so I guessed where it should go.
I have the same kind of setup and I had the same problem. The problem was, that 
I did not understand that my ISP's smtp server is actually a smarthost. Try 
running eximconfig with that in mind. 

If that still does not work, check the file /etc/exim.conf. Important settings 
should be like this:
qualify_domain = concentric.net
local_domains = concentric.net
   driver = domainlist
   transport = remote_smtp
   route_list = "* smtp.concentric.net bydns_a" # Probably

If your local username is not the same as your username at your ISP, you 
probably want to add something like the following to the REWRITE 
CONFIGURATION-section of the /etc/exim.conf file:


This will rewrite the headers

> I noticed that none of the standard HOWTOs in LDP have anything about exim 
> and they all talk about smail and sendmail..
Take a look at /usr/doc/exim/spec.txt
> Anyway -- if someone would help me through this or just give me some 
> pointers on where to proceed. I honestly thought I was finished when I got 
> fetchmail working....but I haven't solved anything, only created more 
> problems.
Let me know if you need more help.
> -abr

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