In a message dated 5/17/99 5:03:50 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> 1) What kind of mouse do you have?  (PS/2 or serial)

I have a Logitech Mouseman 3 button, on serial.
>  2) What brand of mouse?
>  3) What is the setting in XF86Config?  You can get this with:
>     [prompt]$ grep -A 8 'Section "Pointer"' /etc/X11/XF86Config

Protocol "Mouseman"
Device "/dev/mouse"
>  4) What do you have for /dev/mouse?
>     [prompt]$ ls -l /dev/mouse

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root   /dev/mouse -> ttyS0
>  5) Does your mouse work in console mode?  Is gpm installed?

gpm is installed, but I don't know how to use it in console mode...i'm still 
a newbie :)
>  Answer those and we can probably track down your problem.
>  -Mitch

I hope this helps you help me :)

Colin Winters

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