dear sir/madam,
i am iraqi nationalty ,i had submeted to refugee status in UNHCR here
(in jordan kingdom)since more than 4 years ,and i had got a rejections some
times .then i appealed my claim more than 3 times with so much indicaters
and evedences but i had got finally rejections ,now i am without protection
card and my passport is fenished before some weeks !!so i dont have any
documents that i can by it to stay in jordan kingdom !!so may be in anytime
i will been displacing byforce to iraq!and this is mean torture then killed
in iraq!!now you can known what is happened for me in the few past dayes ago !!the UNHCR office here was contacted with me by phone in wednesday 18/12/02 to going to UNHCR to recieved some picture!!while i am going after one day(in thursday 19/12/02) to UNHCR office i was recieved this pictures then i was sudden or surprised by the ambush or decoy which is making already by UNHCR office to deliveries me to jordanian authority.and virtually by policemen who was lurking abaft the UNHCR office then grab me or arrested me with kick me several kicks and taking me to ARRESTING to displacing me by force to iraq authority !!!!!!!! instead of protection me here!!!!! but i was came out from ARRESTING after 5 dayes with turture and hungering and i was casualty with acute festering of trachea and lungs to now.and but i was came out from ARRESTING by temporary bail or guaranty,if you have alive conscience or pronoun , the then, you should be asked the chief of UNHCR/jordan mr.STEN A. BRONEE and madam.JAKLUINE PARLEVLI(protection unit) about this humanitrian dealing or humanitrian manner!!!!!!!!!!!!!rather "animal dealing or manner"!!!!!! and you should be asked them if they are here to protetion the human or to killed him?????and let me hearing you soon please because from now,i cant surety my life here with UNHCR/JORDAN or rather "organization for random killed"and you can inquest from that.
so plesae could you help me by contacting with any organizations or
agencies in the world that recarding with human rights or jordanian
goverment because my voice is very poor while your voice are strong in the
world.and i am sure that is there are some defectiveness in UNHCR office !
my file nomber in UNHCR here:802/99
my phone :00962795305254
address of unhcr office here:

P.O. Box 17101, Amman 11195, Jordan
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees- Amman office
Amman, Jordan
Fax: (962-6) 569-1915

to known what is happend here in UNHCR here so click on this :

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