It's even less clear cut than that. While in Netscape enter the following URL
about:mozilla Don't forget that Netscape was Mozilla before it was Netscape. Mozilla comes again. On 6 May 99, at 10:23, Jerry Gardner wrote about Re: slink and netscape/mozilla: > Ray writes: > > Netscape and Mozilla are DIFFERENT things. Netscape is release level > > software and for most of us works fairly well (aside from being a memory > > The difference isn't as clear-cut as you may think. Every version of > Netscape that I've ever used (and this goes back to prior to v1.0) > has a readme file that has this in it: > > * And remember, it's spelled N-e-t-s-c-a-p-e, but it's pronounced "Mozilla." > > Although not as common as it used to be, Netscape is sometimes called > Mozilla. > > -- > Jerry Gardner | "Bill Clinton has all the steely resolve resolve > [EMAIL PROTECTED] | of a kamakaze pilot on his 37th mission." > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > > > ============================== Jan M. - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Fingerprint:397D 093C E802 964E 5316 B90A 93CE 6696 Thought for the day: Thoughts reduced to paper are generally nothing more than the footprints of a man walking in the sand. It is true that we see the path he has taken; but to know what he saw on the way, we must use our own eyes. -- Arthur Schopenhauer