As having great difficulties in setting up a offline
newsreader system for various users on a debian box
I would grately appreciate some guidance.

My intention is to have a systemwide spool directory
where each user on this box may access his beloved
newsgroup he has subscribed to.

Some people recommended to use slrn as I wanted to have
a text based newsreader. To enable offline newsreading
slrnpull.deb might be helpful.

To my understanding all desired newsgroups that have to
be replicated have to be defined in 
but nothing seems to help me to define where each slrn
user saves _his_ newsgroup subscriptions, the newsgroups
he is only interested in. I'm not thinking of the contents,
the message bodies hereby, only the name of the newsgroup.

Having the replication of a few newsgroups in mind (< 12)
and to install a local newserver apt-cache suggested:

+ leafnode
+ cnews+nntp

and the following programs which I'm not able to classify

+ diablo
+ nntpcache
+ uqwk
+ task-news-server

I would really be grateful if someone helps me to get
some structure into this.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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