add|ct|on <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> the .fetchmailrc is, simply, as follows:
> poll protocol pop3 username myusername password
> mypasswd

Since you are running it as root, it will attempt to delive the mail
from your ISP to "root" user. This is a bad practice.

My .fetchmailrc looks like this:

set daemon 300
poll ""
        proto pop3
        user "blah"
        pass "blah"
        is local_blah here
mda "/usr/sbin/exim -d %s"

Notice that line "is local_blah here"? Change local_blah for your
local machine's user name.

For other options read "man fetchmail", it's really well-written. If
you have any questions after that, don't hesitate to post. :)

Arcady Genkin
"I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood..." - GsYDE

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