
I upgraded my hamm system (Debian 2.0) to slink (Debian 2.1) using the
cd's from Linux Central. Everything went well. I am having some problems 
with the system after upgrading which seem strange.

1. After upgrading, I cannot find the program telnet. Previously it was
   in netstd, but the contents of netstd package do not show telnet
   (found using dpkg -L netstd). Which package has this program?
   I am also not able telnet in to the system. But rlogin works bothways. 

2. Previously I had installed wu-ftpd and ftp services were enabled,
   even anonymous ftp was posible. After upgrading, all the ftp services
   have been disabled. If I try to ftp to the machine, I get a message
   "ftp: connect: connection refused". What should I do to get wu-ftpd-academ 
   to allow ftp services including anonymous ftp?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

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