Quoting Santiago Vila Doncel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, David Wright wrote:
> The problem is that the ppa driver required to make the ZIP drive to work
> is now out of the kernel (i.e. as a module).
> [ This is a difference between Debian 2.0 and Debian 2.1 that I discovered
>   last week, when I was also trying to install it from scratch on a
>   CD-ROM-less machine ].
> So you'll need two floppies: the rescue and the drivers floppy.
> Fortunately you may use the ZIP drive as the source for the base system.
> (i.e. the base2_1.tgz file). Just remember to load the ppa module
> when the rescue floppy allows you to do it.

So it is. My only worry, looking at the 2.0.36 modules on this fresh
slink system, is that there isn't an ide-floppy.o module, yet I've
just answered a post from someone whose LS120 isn't working, so can it
be compiled in? Perhaps they're installing hamm for some reason.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
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