I thought caldera was corel's attempt to commercialize linux.  This seems
like quite a change  for corel.  I wonder what, if anything, it means for

To:   "Debian-User \(E-mail\)" <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
cc:    (bcc: Jack A Walker/BII)
Subject:  RedHat need not apply

It seems that Debian will have its very own commercial pimp in Corel.  Of
course that doesn't mean that anyone on the Debian development team has to
do any tricks for the big wigs at Corel.

And, I wouldn't suspect that KDE would be included as part of the Official
Debian until QT is put under the GPL, not something that is very close to
it.  Corel mentions Open Source Software, but not Free Software.  Do you
suppose they understand the difference?

All the best to Corel, but I hope Debian stays free.


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