Andrew Waltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi folks,
> I'm having a minor problem with man. It leaves a file in the
> current directory. If I remove the file and then run man again it is
> replaced with a new file that diff says is different than the first (even
> if the man file I read is the same). If I leave the file alone, then
> modification date stays the same as when it was originally created and diff
> finds no difference in the file before and after running another man.

$ locate

with version man-db 2.3.10-68

> I'm just wondering if there is a way to stop man from creating these
> files. It would be really nice to be able to run man from any directory
> without having to worry about the stray's all over my system.
> I have man-db version 2.3.10-69g.

Please check if a bug is reported against man-db and file one if
necessary. Or contact the maintainer at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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