Hello, I am a television producer with The Executive Forum Television Series, which is nationally syndicated on ABC, CBS, NBC, WB, UPN, Fox and PAX affiliates. The host of our TV show is astronaut and Commander of the heroic Apollo 13 Moon Mission, Captain James A. Lovell.
Currently we are in production of a special edition episode on linux. We will be discussing the latest trends in technology as well as the hot issues of the day. We will then focus in on how our guests bring productivity and profitability to the companies that they do business with via their products and services. Our weekly TV program specifically interviews Presidents and/ or CEOs. I am now in the process of emailing a limited number of companies like yours and conducting brief phone interviews in order to discuss the relevant issues. Additionally, I am trying to determine which Presidents/CEO's will be appropriate guests for our show. Please have your President or CEO contact me directly at 212-696-1999 ext.120 Sincerely, Michael Sweet /Producer P.S. Our web address is http://www.theexecutiveforum.com The Executive forum is proud to be sponsored by the following companies: Hewlett Packard, Mercedes Benz, Sun Microsystems, Sprint Telephone and Cellular One. The Executive Forum Television Series 276 Fifth Avenue 11th Floor New York, NY 10001 P-212-696-1999x120 F-212-683-1433.