Hi! > I just sent a message to debian-user@lists.debian.org, and it made it through > to the list straight away, but I also go this reply from somewhere else. > I SENT the message to and only to debian-user, it was not a reply or else. > What does this mean?
This means this user from .hu is a subscriber and has its mailbox full. The proper thing to do, IMHO, would be to return this kind of message to the list owner, not the sender. Then the list-owner would be able to do something about it, like temporarily remove this temporarily faulty addresss from the list. HTH Fabio ( Fábio Olivé Leite [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( http://descartes.ucpel.tche.br/~olive ) ( Linux - Distributed Systems - Fault Tolerance - Security - /etc ) ( BC 50 7F 7A B9 2E 0A 26 91 8A D1 C0 B1 E4 DA A4 )