*- On 16 Apr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about "ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] 98 with 
> My graphics card is the ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] 98 which is not supported by 
> Xserver
> version 3.3.2... , but is supported by, which is not listed in
> dselect.  I was wondering when and if it would be added to the dselect list,
> or how can I install xserver-mach64 version without using dselect?
> Where can I get the necessary software?

The Xpert* 98 series cards use tha Mach64 chip so you can install the
mach64 server.  This card is supported in 3.3.2.*, unless of course
you have an AGP version.  If you want to use the newer server there are
unofficial versions available at
http://master.debian.org/~vincent/xfree-  if you are using apt
just stick the following line at the top of your sources.list file and
update your available packages.

deb http://master.debian.org/~vincent xfree-

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
                                                           - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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