One thing you may want to check is the cable.  That's one of the biggest
trouble-makers when dealing with SCSI problems, especially in Linux,
from what I've noticed.  Low quality or older cables are notorious for
giving headaches, especially with high-speed SCSI.  Another thing I
would recommend is to play with the driver settings for the SCSI
controller.  I'm not very familiar with the 8xx driver, but from what
I've understood (this may have changed with the 2.2 series of kernels,
or I could be completely wrong to begin with), the 8xx driver is a BSD
derived driver, where the 7xx is wholly Linux.  So there's another
potential avenue to tread across.  

Just my thoughts.  Your mileage may vary.


Jozef Skvarcek wrote:
> Hi,
> I am experiencing problems with IBM Ultrastar 9es u2w disk which is
> supposed to allow 80MB/s transfer rate. I guess the problem has to do
> with the parity (see the listing below), the drive appears to work fine
> when I set in the SCSI BIOS max rate to 40MB/s. However, when I set the
> speed to 80MB/s I get the errors. Does anyone have any luck making this
> drive work at the highest rate?
> I have Symbios 8951 adaptor that has 53c895 chip, the ncr53c8xx driver
> is compiled into the 2.2.5 kernel. The system runs Debian 2.1 with the
> upgrades needed for the 2.2.x kernels. BTW, is it OK the controller and
> my AGP video card having the same IRQ?
> Thank for any help,
> Jozef Skvarcek _______________________________________________________________
> Dept. of Physics and Astronomy              |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hunter College, City University of New York |                     212-772-4032
> Here is the error log:
>   Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0:0: ERROR (0:18) (0-20-81) (f/9f) @ 
> (script c4c:18000200).
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: script cmd = 88030000
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: regdump: da 10 80 9f 47 0f 00 0e 02 
> 00 80 20 00 01 10 00.
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: have to clear fifos.
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: resetting, command processing 
> suspended for 2 seconds
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: restart (scsi reset).
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: enabling clock multiplier
> Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: Downloading SCSI SCRIPTS.
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: command processing resumed
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-<0,*>: WIDE SCSI (16 bit) enabled.
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-<0,*>: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s 
> (25 ns, offset 15)
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0:0: ERROR (0:18) (0-20-e4) (f/9f) @ 
> (scripth 10d8:18000200).
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: script cmd = 88030000
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: regdump: da 10 80 9f 47 0f 00 0e 1a 
> 00 80 20 00 01 10 00.
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: have to clear fifos.
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: resetting, command processing 
> suspended for 2 seconds
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: restart (scsi reset).
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: enabling clock multiplier
> Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: Downloading SCSI SCRIPTS.
> Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: command processing resumed
> Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-<0,*>: WIDE SCSI (16 bit) enabled.
> Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-<0,*>: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s 
> (25 ns, offset 15)
> Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: SCSI parity error detected: SCR1=3 
> DBC=18000000 SSTAT1=18
> --
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