On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 09:51:52AM +1100, David Gardner wrote:
| Derrick 'dman' Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >
| > A better solution is to edit /etc/dhclient.conf.  Use one of
| >     append  search foo.example bar.example
| >     prepend search foo.example bar.example
| > depending on the effect you want.
| I agree, that is a much much better solution. *grin*.  And one that's not
| going to cause you any problems when there's a new package or whatever.
| Sometimes though, there's a time and place to just hack everything to pieces
| :)

:-).  Yeah, that script is so easy to hack up like that.  In fact I
did that myself before I learned of the config file.  In my case one
NIC was static, one was dynamic, and dns was local.


How to shoot yourself in the foot with Java:
You find that Microsoft and Sun have released incompatible class
libraries both implementing Gun objects. You then find that although
there are plenty of feet objects implemented in the past in many other
languages, you cannot get access to one. But seeing as Java is so cool,
you don't care and go around shooting anything else you can find.
    (written by Mark Hammond)

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