Hi, everyone! I have used various versions of RedHat and SuSE for about ten months and have decided to give Debian a try. Unfortunately, the coddling of the configuration tools in each distro has left me with only a scant knowledge of where things are kept in the configuration file. Here's my problem of the moment. I copied over the .fetchmailrc file from my current RH setup. It connects splendidly, but returns this message when it tries to transfer the messages:
45 messages for cmayes at my.isp.imap.server (202838 octets). reading message 1 of 45 (1039 header octets) .fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]' fetchmail: can't even send to cmayes! fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from my.isp.imap.server fetchmail: Query status=10 Where would the SMTP listener get the [EMAIL PROTECTED] information? I have the "hostname" file set to "cmayes," which seems to have worked in previos scenarios. I'm trying to pull the maill off of the server using IMAP. If I need to supply any more info, plese let me know! I have a great deal to learn about the manual configuration of the innards of Linux (Specifically Debian, if all goes well), but I look forward to the challenge. One last thing: I have decided to live dangerously and open up my apt-get to the unstable tree. The main reason was that I wanted to upgrade Window Maker to the latest build. However, when I apt-got the wmaker-gnome file, it decidedthat it needed to pull down 250 (!!) other packages while it was at it. Since I've always been the adventurous type, I've decided to let apt-get upgrade half of my system to the unstable packages. Is this unwise/stupid to do? I still have more stable Linux installs (RH 5.2 and SuSE 5.3) on other partitions in case of disaster. Plus, this box is far from mission-critical (aside from typing papers, coding, and checking e-mail ;-)). Oh, that reminds me: where do I set the default windowmanager? Since I wasn't given the option of making Window Maker the default during the setup, it comes up on some version of fvwm, and I have to make a number of mouse movements to get where I want to go (oh, the humanity!). WEll, that's all for now. Thanks in advance! -Chris -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------