On Fri, Apr 02, 1999 at 05:25:04PM -0300, Paulo José da Silva e Silva wrote:
> I have a slink/hamm mixed system (my slink cd's are on their way). I am having
> some problems with locale and X. For example, when I run WPrefs I get
> the following error message:
> WPrefs warning: X server does not support locale  
> Them some complaining about fonts (and WPrefs refuses to run).
> I have $LC_ALL=pt_BR.  If I set it to pt_PT or en_US WPrefs works OK. What is
> the problem? Why X doesn't support pt_BR? I am almost sure X supported that
> locale before I upgraded do slink xlib6g.

Make sure you're using the latest version of the slink xlib6g package.  The
version number is  For a while the locale and NLS data got
caught in limbo, but that problem was solved months ago.

My /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias file has the following lines
(among many others):

pt                      pt_PT.ISO8859-1
pt_BR                   pt_BR.ISO8859-1
pt_PT                   pt_PT.ISO8859-1
pt_PT.88591             pt_PT.ISO8859-1
pt_PT.88591.en          pt_PT.ISO8859-1
pt_PT.iso88591          pt_PT.ISO8859-1
pt_PT.ISO_8859-1        pt_PT.ISO8859-1
portuguese_brazil.8859  pt_BR.ISO8859-1
portuguese.iso88591     pt_PT.ISO8859-1

locale.alias is not a conffile, so yours should have these exact same
lines.  If you don't, or if the file doesn't exist, that may explain the
problem.  Reinstall xlib6g.

G. Branden Robinson              |
Debian GNU/Linux                 |            //     // //  /     /
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |            EI 'AANIIGOO 'AHOOT'E
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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