I have spent about a week trying to figure out why neither
my Creative Labs SB16 or AWE64 work under Debian (2.2.4 2.1)
I think it has to do with the way my motherboard handles the
irq's and pnp etc.  Today I finally got it stop telling me
there is a conflict on IRQ 5 when in fact, nothing is using
IRQ 5.

Now all audio such as `saytime` `bplay file.wav` work
so do my mixers `aumix` etc.

 When I enter x11amp and open a mp3 file and click play
it just pauses there with the play button.
I tried using mpg123 in console and it gave me:

Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

contineusly as it tried to play it.

Has anyone had this same problem before?
My motherboard uses AMI BIOS and is ATX and I have
no clue what the brandname is... it's model is PT-2011
and it's a socket 7 board (I can find out the actualy
manufacturer if I looked up the FCC code-- I allready know

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