Isn't this what the line: ABORT "NO CARRIER"
should do in the chat script? On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 10:43:45AM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote: > > This morning I typed "pon" to dial up a ppp connection, only to hear > noise on my modem to idicate that the line was already in use. I > quickly typed "poff", but it was too late --- I had already killed my > father's connection to the internet. He was not pleased as I had > killed his connection near the end of an 8M download. > > Anyway, I don't want this to happen again, so I would like, if > possible, to write a script which does nothing except listen to the > modem line for a few seconds so that I can hear whether someone else > is using it. I have some idea about how such a script would go, but > would appreciate some input. Here is what I propose: > > #!/bin/bash > > echo atm2 > /dev/ttyS1 > echo ato0 > /dev/ttyS1 > pause 2 > echo +++ > /dev/ttyS1 > pause 2 > echo atm1 > /dev/ttyS1 > > > I'd appreciate any comments about whether this is the best way to go > about this problem. > > Thanks, > > Mark. > > > > _/~~~~~~~~\___/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ > ____/~~\_____/~~\__/~~\__________________________Mark_Phillips____________ > ____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED] > ____/~~\HE___/~~\__/~~\APTAIN_____________________________________________ > ____/~~\______/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ > __________________________________________________________________________ > "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" > > > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > > -- Jim Foltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ACORN techie <> AOL/IM Jim Foltz