On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:
> I used to be able to continue an interrupted ftp upload in ncftp just
> by typing "put -C filename".  It would continue the upload where it
> left off.  But since upgrading to slink, ncftp no longer seems to have
> this option.  Does anyone know what happened to it?


>From the man page for ncftp:

              The   program  tries  to  ``resume''  downloads  by
              default.  This means that if the remote FTP  server
              lost  the  connection and was only able to send 490
              kilobytes of a 500 kilobyte file, you could  recon
              nect  to  the  FTP server and do another get on the
              same file name and it would get the last  10  kilo
              bytes, instead of retrieving the entire file again.
              There are some occasions where  you  may  not  want
              that  behavior.   To  turn  it  off you can use the
              ``-Z'' flag.

In short, IF I understand the man page, ncftp does a reget by default, if
a file has been partially fetched. 

--David Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Because the bugs get acknowledged and fixed quickly.

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