
When you choose option number 2 in dselect, press the space bar to clear
the help screen and then press the slash key (/).  This will put you in a
search mode.  Just type in the name of the package you wish to install at
the Search for ? prompt.

At 11:01 AM 3/31/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello again and thanks for all the help this debian-newbie is getting!
>I've done several (custom) installs of slink using dselect, and each 
>time I waste a bunch of time searching for certain packages I 
>want....  for instance ntp, sendmail, snmp, pine, joe
>I am getting a little more familiar with the organization of the 
>packages but it seems I must be doing it the difficult way, manually 
>searching through the entire list!
>I know about the re-order list options, but there must be a way to 
>search the package list for a keyword, package name or catagory, 
>how do I do this?
>Second, once I have a "favorite" base system, can I integrate that 
>into the dselect program for future installs?
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Kevin Lee
Vulcan Industries
(205) 640-2433


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